Trust Your Intuition Day

Intuition...what is it?  Most people call it a gut feeling or vibe.  Others would call it a sixth sense or plain old-fashioned common sense.  I call it discernment, which is a spiritual gift for those who are believers in the family of God.  As creatures made in the image of our Father God in Heaven, we were made with brains and the ability to think and reason.  Sometimes this intuition may act on the fringe of what may seem rational, but listen to it.  If circumstances and the information you are given don't seem to reconcile with one another, or if there seems to be something more than meets the eye, pay attention to your gut feeling.  Again, human beings were created with brains to use.  In personal experience, this discernment could have saved me a lot of grief and heartache many times over had I heeded its warning something was amiss.  For born-again believers of Jesus, discernment can also become the act and actions of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  The Holy Spirit is the Comforter and Counselor Jesus spoke about as He returned to the Father.  His working with non-believers is at the will of the Father, but in particular it is exclusive to those who profess Jesus as Lord and Savior.  As we celebrate the day, refocus your attention to the Person who bestowed the gift of intuition.  He is the one worthy of your honor and gratitude, and is desiring a relationship with you.  In relationship with Him, He will walk with you, providing guidance and all you need (not want) in this world.


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