Rediscovering Holiness -- J.I. Packer

Imagine, now, a devoted and gifted Christian woman (or man), whose ministry has been precious to her, finding that for quite a long period the Lord sidelines her so that her potential is not being used.  What is going on?  Is this spiritual failure?  It is probably not spiritual failure at all, but a lesson in Christ's school of holiness.  The Lord is reminding her that her life does not depend on finding that people need her.  The prime source of her joy must always be the knowledge of God's love for her -- the knowledge that though he did not need her, he has chosen to love her freely and gloriously so that she may have the eternal joy of fellowship with him.  Regarding her ministry, what matters is that she should be available to him.  Then he will decide when and how to put her to service again, and she should leave that with him.  In the spiritual life, what we are always takes priority over what we do.  If we lose touch with what we are, and with the reality of God's free mercy as the taproot of our spiritual life, the Lord may have to sideline us until we have learned this lesson again.

The above quoted passage is from chapter seven of the book by J.I. Packer titled Rediscovering Holiness.  Reading the book, especially this passage, had a profound impact on me.  It was if God was speaking directly to me in answer to a prayer as to what He was accomplishing in this life.  According to Philippians 2:13, "...for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose."  By no means does God owe me any kind of explanation as to His divine plans, but I am very grateful He has pulled back the curtain to reveal what He is up too.  For many years, most of my life to be honest, I have never felt as if I was living in the fullness of life according to my giftings and potential.  Thoughts daily occur of why I am stuck in a city I can't stand living in, and why I seem to be under God's thumb not able to move or do anything productive.  Reading the book by J.I. Packer provided the answer for the observations I have made.  I am reminded of both Abraham and Moses, along with many other Biblical heroes of faith, who were not used mightily of God till very late in life.  Until I come to peace with God's plan, I can kick against the goads all I want, but the only person I'm hurting is myself.  Now my prayer is, "Use me in your timing, for that will have the greatest impact for your kingdom.  Amen."


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