May Day

Happy May 1st!  Yes, this year is flying by at a quickened pace.  To celebrate the beginning of a new month, I wanted to highlight the fact today is May Day.  Depending on who you ask, you may get varied answers as to what the holiday is about.  Upon its conception, May Day was intended as a traditional spring holiday celebrated in the northern hemisphere.  The holiday is typically filled with festivals, dances, and singing.  Thoughts of spring-like weather and outdoor activities fill my mind upon thinking about the holiday and its purpose.  To those who are practitioners of the ideology of Socialism, May Day is re-purposed as International Worker's Day, with the motto, "Workers of the world unite!"  However you choose to honor the day, and you don't need a holiday to celebrate the blessing of another day, please recognize it as a gift from God.  None of us are guaranteed or promised another day to wake up too.  Each and every day is a gift as an opportunity to glorify and worship the God of the universe.  It is presumptuous of me to take for granted I will wake up tomorrow morning.  According to the Bible, I should say, "If God is willing, I will wake up in the morning and pursue these plans I desire to accomplish."  Enjoy your May Day.


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