Bicycle Awareness Month

Every time I talk with someone concerning bicycling, I am shocked at what people think are the rules of the road for bicyclists.  First and foremost, most everyone would tell me bicycles are to be ridden on sidewalks, not the roadways.  Wrong!  According to legislative statute, bicycles are permitted on the roadways up to three full feet from the farthest right curb.  When safety becomes an issue, then bicycles are allowed up to a full lane.  Did you know that?  Most people don't, so don't feel bad.  I've even had police officers yell at me to use the sidewalk.  Bicycles are to be treat as simply a slow-moving vehicle and afforded the same respect and courtesy as another vehicular driver.  Because of this, bicyclists are under the same rules and responsibilities as any other vehicle on the road.  We must obey all traffic signs and lights; must signal when turning; must practice other forms of safe driving; and must not ride under the influence of alcohol.  (I've seen others bicycle while on the phone and texting.  Amazing, isn't it?!)  I could site other roles and obligations, but at this point allow me to suggest searching Google for the remaining bicycle laws.  However, may I suggest a few items that may or may not be common sense.  First, lights on a bicycle are a legal must.  Please don't gamble with your life.  Unconsciously playing chicken with a two- to three-ton car will cause you to lose each and every time.  Also, invest in a helmet.  It doesn't have to be an expensive one, any will do and may be the difference between life, permanent disability or impairment, and/or death.  The art of bicycling is a lot of fun and very contagious.  In fact, there are a bunch of bicycling riding clubs in the Fort Worth area.  Many are family friendly.  Join one and catch the fever of bicycling.  It's great exercise as well.  Enjoy the few remaining days of Bicycle Awareness Month, but don't let the fun stop at the end of the month.  Let's ride off in to the sunset.


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