Learn About Composting Day

Several months ago, I delivered a speech to a Toastmasters Club concerning composting and its benefits.  Today is Learn About Composting Day, and I encourage my readers to reference the Toastmasters' Speech.  Composting is a great way to recycle food items, leaves, small twigs, and a horde of other naturally occurring substances.  These items are rich in nutrients the ground needs, and is a great way to keep from using up valuable land for garbage dumps.  I won't delve in to the process of how various items compost, but I will emphatically state the end result is often better than processed fertilizer.  In fact, the compost material can make such soil as clay in to usable ground for planting and growing just about anything.  Did I mention composting is the cheapest way to add life and vitality to your yard and garden?  The only drawback, if there is one, is the time investment.  The art of composting requires time, lots of diligent effort, and tender loving care.  So if you're looking for something quick and easy, or something you can initiate and then neglect, composting isn't for you.  But I am willing to bet composting will grow on you as a lifestyle once you learn about it and begin the process.  There are numerous websites on the internet you may visit educating one on how to compost.  In Fort Worth, the Keep Fort Worth Beautiful (www.fortworthtexas.gov/kfwb) agency sponsors and hosts composting classes once or twice a year.  Unfortunately I currently live in an apartment, so I am not currently a composting practitioner.  However, I have in the past composted many things over long stretches of time.  It is a lot of fun and very gratifying.  Hopefully this blog post has encouraged you to give it a try.  Good luck and have fun.  Go green!


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