Bucket List

If I'm like most people, assuming this next statement is true, I have a "bucket list" of stuff I want to accomplish before I die.  In this case, I have a list of "To Do" items I want to experience before I ever move out of Fort Worth.  Today is the day I was able to scratch off one of those items.  What is it, you may ask?  Well, I searched out and visited Lee Harvey Oswald's grave.  He is the alleged assassin of John F. Kennedy, our 35th president.  I say alleged because of all the conspiracy theories floating around concerning the assassination.  (I for one do not believe Oswald killed Kennedy.  If he did, he most certainly had help.  But this is not the purpose of the blog entry.)  In reading some of the backstory on the particular cemetery he is interred, I discovered Shannon Rose Hill Memorial Park was the only place who would accept his remains due to his notoriety.  The Memorial Park is located on the east side of Fort Worth near the intersection of East Loop 820 and Texas Highway 180 (East Lancaster).  The cemetery was easy to find, as well as the plot in which Oswald is buried.  The online website was very helpful in locating the grave marker.  The actual cemetery itself is huge, and I kicked myself for not bringing along my bicycle.  In addition to its size, the cemetery is very well maintained.  Kudos to the maintenance personnel and the administration.  Shannon Rose Hill Memorial Park is well worth a second and even a third visit, with my bike for sure next time.  I encourage anyone who is able, to make a visit.  If for nothing else, the historical value of visiting one of history's more notable presidential assassins.  Enjoy the pictures.


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