Three-Day Weekend

As of 11 a.m. this morning, I began to enjoy my three-day Memorial holiday weekend.  Thankfully I only had one store to service for TNG this morning, and that was the Kroger's on Camp Bowie West and Interstate 820.  Since I clocked out of work while it was still morning, does this make it an almost four-day weekend off from work?  Good question.  Whatever the answer may be, I promptly began my time away with a cigar at Paladin, a tobacconist shop located at the corner of Hulen Street and Granbury Road.  I've been frequenting this establishment since the week they opened for business in December of 2011.  I guess that makes me one of their original customers.  How about that?!  Then I topped off my day with another bicycle ride through the neighborhoods of Fort Worth.  Once again, I found quite a few interesting places of historical interest.  First, was St. Mary's of the Assumption Church, and then Watts Park.  Not too far from the park, I found a small piece of Japanese art.  Both before and after the bicycle ride, I worked on gathering genealogical information from the treasure trove of family documents in my possession.  I'll cap the day by smoking my pipe.  What a life!  Today felt grand, as if I was once again larger-than-life.  Get out to enjoy the weather while it is still nice.  Take up bicycle riding and experience what's out there only waiting to be discovered.


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