Seeking Closure!

Last week I was able to get away from the land of exile in order to visit and spend time with family.  Even though part of our plans for a trip to East Texas fell apart, I very much enjoyed spending three wonderful days with my mother in Yoakum.  During this time, as she still had to work her shifts at the church, I was able to scratch off quite a few items from the bucket list.  Many of these items have been on there for several years awaiting much-needed closure.  On top of the list, but really in no particular order, was to visit the Alchoholics Anonymous group in Victoria where I tried to get sober in 2004.  Even though I didn't recognize anyone in attendance, I did enjoy the time spent in fellowship.  Then a visit was made to Memory Gardens Cemetery where three acquaintances are interred.  One in particular, my friend Amy, was buried there in 2021.  Regretting not being able to attend her funeral services, I made every effort to locate her grave, along with the graves of her maternal grandparents, whom I knew only casually.  After updating the information on their Find A Grave profiles, I placed artificial roses on Amy's grave marker.  (Her husband asked for that particular favor, and I had no problem in doing so.  He lives in Connecticut and was given notice I would be there to pay my respects.)  Upon a few moments of reflection about the almost thirty years of friendship, I quickly made my departure.  A bittersweet time, for sure!  Other items on the bucket list were of lesser consequence but very satisfying to complete nonetheless.  Some of these included visiting local cemeteries.  One in particular was Big Brush Cemetery or the Yoakum Colored Cemetery.  Surprisingly, this one is located within the confines of the Yoakum Waste/Garbage Transfer Facility.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Up till this recent visit, I had to content myself with keeping up with their progress via newspaper articles and Google searches.  What a Herculean task they had before them and the subsequent progress the association has made is quite remarkable!  Of course, as with any other endeavor in life, there is more progress to be made, but I was fascinated and in awe of what was already accomplished.  Great job!  Other cemeteries included family plots, which were all updated through Find A Grave: pictures, GPS coordinates added, and inscriptions submitted for approval.  As you can see, the three-day trip to Yoakum was action-packed with plenty of activities.  Needless to say, I was pleasantly exhausted and glad to get back to sleeping in my own bed in Fort Worth.  The cherry on top of the week is celebrating my 18th sobriety birthday, which is today.  It is also my brother's belly-button birthday.  Can't think of a better way to top off such a wonderful week.  Is there anything in your life that needs closure?  I find it rather amazing the increased mental and emotional health resulting from dealing with issues from yesteryear.  Venture out and get it done!


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