Ten on Tuesday

Keep Fort Worth Beautiful and Reverse Litter (www.reverselitter.com) are campaigning to end litter in Fort Worth.  It is called Ten on Tuesday!  The catch-phrase is a challenge to pick up at least ten pieces of litter on Tuesday of each week.  By doing so, Fort Worth will become a cleaner place to live.  Of course the real solution is to address the actual root behavior of people littering, but for now I can take care of my part of the problem by picking up trash when and where I see it.  Each week I personally walk around the apartment complex and sections of the neighborhood picking up trash.  Surprisingly I receive a lot of joy from stewarding God's creation, for I believe it honors and glorifies Him as the Creator.  Open littering is such a blight on the inherent beauty of my surroundings, it saddens and perturbs me greatly when I see it.  Often I wonder, "Why do people litter?".  An even better question would be, "Why don't people think beyond their own selfish impulses long enough to take responsibility for themselves?".  The answer is because this is a sinful world, separated from the very God who created all this.  Until the new Heaven and Earth arrive when Jesus Christ returns, I must remain satisfied with taking responsibility for myself, acting as a steward of the earth and those other gifts entrusted to me.  I challenge each and every reader to pick up at least ten pieces of litter.  It doesn't have to be on Tuesday.  Perform the process as an act of worship to God.


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