Writers' Rights Day

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation
for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.
Soren Kierkegaard

Freedom of thought, freedom of expression, and finally freedom of speech are the most fundamental and foundational of our rights.  Without these, there is no voice for the many other freedoms I enjoy as a human being and a child of God.  First, a person must have the tools of reason and logic, often called analytical thinking, in order to become fully self-aware and self-actualized.  Without this, processing the world around him will not make any sense and will cause him to drift in the wind morally and mentally.  Then a person must be able to properly and effectively express himself.  Yes, my friend, there are objective standards of truths and morality a person can find in the Bible in order to use as the framework for such expression.  This is what is often called the coming of age for the individual.  Finally, the cascading of events leads to the freedom of speech, in this case, the written word.  Prose, in whatever form it may ultimately take, is a beautiful art form as it is captured on paper.  The written word can set people free, if it contains the truth or essence of what is actually occurring.  Be careful of propaganda, which is a play for the minds of the intellectually lazy and ignorant.  Always research what is set before you.  Raw data can always become manipulated and skewed to prove any point or perceived set of outcomes.  Don't take anything at face value.  Always dig deeper.  Writers' have an obligation to deliver the truth to dispel the falsehoods and ill-will of those whose intentions are to deceive and hurt.  People who have the ability to communicate effectively through the written word, have many rights.  However, may it not become a bully pulpit to browbeat those who come across such prose.  Use of vulgarity and inappropriate language detract from more than add to the importance of the information at hand.  Writers' have rights, but along with those cherished freedom come responsibility.  At the forefront of such noble acts and movements are writers.  During the American Revolution, Committees of Correspondence were set up as a network of communication against the tyranny of Great Britain.  May writers always act as the vanguard of freedom of thought and self-expression  Happy Writers' Rights Day!


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