New Year's Resolution Recommitment Day

Happy June 1st!  Almost half the year is gone, and I'm wondering where the time went.  As a kid, I remember time dragging by ever so slowly.  Now, as an adult, I earnestly believe it is passing me by at an increased rate every day.  In addition to the first day of a brand new month, today is also New Year's Resolution Recommitment Day.  Did you pledge any resolutions on New Year's Day or possibly the day before?  Personally I don't place much faith in New Year's Resolutions.  This is because they focus too much on man's ability to perform instead of God's inner-working in our lives.  However, I must admit to more than a few goals, a grand vision of sorts, for my life.  Again, I must prayerfully consider God's will, seeking to discover if my goals and plans line up with His Word (the Bible).  If my goals and plans don't jive with what God has to say, then I discard whatever I may have thought up for the better choice of what God is at work in.  The beauty of living for God is I don't have to wait for New Year's Day to commit my life to Him.  Daily I can sincerely repent of specific sins and evil behaviors, ask for forgiveness, and walk again in newness of life.  Do you intimately know God and are living for Him?  Seek His will.  Check to see if what you have planned is what He wants you to do.  Today can be the first day of the rest of your life.


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