What Have I Done?

On Monday morning, the owner of the smoke shop I formerly worked at called me.  In a subtle manner, he implored me to come back to work part-time as he recently had to let go of a long-time employee.  Strictly as a favor to him, I agreed to do so.  He was very happy, but I immediately had the feeling of regret and asked myself, "What have I done?"  All the memories of the way I was poorly treated and crapped on came flooding back.  Maybe my attitude and the store's treatment of me will be different.  The irony of the situation is this was an answer to prayer.  A surprising confession is to acknowledge I maybe should never have left in the first place.  To work both jobs will definitely become a blessing financially as I feel as if I'm hemorrhaging money, unable to adequately pay off debts and to save for the future.  If nothing else, the stress of working two jobs will be short-term as the smoke shop will close in October, a mere four months away.  So, I guess it's back to the salt mines!  If you're in the downtown area of Fort Worth, come by to see me for a smoke.  By the way, the owner treated me to a Cuban Monte Cristo Cigar.  It was absolutely delicious!


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