Family History Day

What does your family history contain?  The rich and famous?  The notorious?  Do you have more bad memories than good?  Years ago my maternal uncle began a genealogy for his side of the family.  This prompted a search and study of my father's genealogy.  However, this isn't the purpose of the entry as it has already been discussed in another previous post.  A family's history is so much more than who beget whom or how long they lived.  What I desire to touch on is the heritage and legacy one leaves his or her progeny.  Both my father and mother, along with their parents and grand-parents, passed down values, morals, and rich life experiences I can not find any where else.  They not only talked about such things as a strong work ethic and loyalty, but also lived out these characteristics in their daily lives.  As each one shakes off their temporal shell and passes in to eternity, I recognize the changing of the guard, the passing of the torch from one generation to the next, for what it is.  Am I ready to hoist the flame of their memory for all to see?  Will I prove their teachings and investment of time in my life fruitful or in vain?  Even the prodigal son came to his senses and returned home upon realizing all his Father had taught him.  Don't scorn but appreciate your family, for they are all you have.  One day, maybe sooner than later, you will find yourself all alone wishing you had taken more time to spend with them.  Enjoy your family's history today and every day.  Learn of the treasure it holds waiting for you to ask and discover.


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