First Night Back

After an easy day working my primary job, I headed to the smoke shop for my first night back at work.  People were asking where I had been, and I simply stated I took a four month vacation from working at Tobacco Lane.  Now I'm back.  Maybe it shouldn't be surprising how easily I slipped back in to the rhythm of the shop.  I worked by myself from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. and did not run in to any difficulty.  Right before I closed down for the evening, the manager called to welcome me back home.  Yes, this is old hat.  It's like those old pajamas you keep going back too, the sense of warmth and comfort when the rest of the world may be storming outside.  Did I make the right decision in returning to this part-time job?  Who knows!  But I must make the best of it as I really need the extra money.  At any rate, I enjoyed hanging out with the customers, conversing on a wide variety of subjects.  By the end of the evening, I was glad to find myself once again in the routine of habit and in the realm of the familiar.  As time progresses, I'll once again dive in to my work to become proficient in the wonderful world of tobacco products.  One treat I had to look forward too was smoking Dunhill 965 in my Erik Nording pipe.  Due to the price, I hadn't been buying it.  Now I can indulge in the luxury for gratis.  If you're ever in the area, please stop by for a smoke.  Oh, by the way, ask for me while you're there.  I'd enjoy the conversation.


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