Happy Father's Day

The history of Father's Day is rather interesting.  It officially began in Washington in the early 1900s, and didn't become an official holiday until 1972 under then President Richard Nixon.  Mother's Day as a holiday had already been well established, and many men disdained a day devoted in their honor as fathers.  Hmm!?  Until President Nixon, several presidents urged the citizenry of the country to observe a day recognizing fathers; however, none felt the pressing need to see the day turned in to a national holiday.  Fast forward to the present day.  Many countries around the world now celebrate the official holiday on the third Sunday of June.  In fact, Father's Day ranks fourth in the amount of greeting cards sent.  My favorite story is of Germany.  The men are relieved of their parenting duties for the day only to load up wagons (think Little Red Flyer) full of alcohol and pull it to the local park.  Do I even need to finish this line of thought?  Yes, I'm sure the hangovers the next morning are not enviable and very painful.  In 1997, my father passed away, and of course he is sorely missed.  A few years ago my mother re-married.  As is natural, the passage of time has warmed me to the fact he takes very good care of my mother.  In addition, as a step-father he tries his best in regard to her children.  That line of thinking also goes both ways as I make an attempt to accept and welcome him in to the family.  Only an immature and mean individual would make anyone in that position feel like an outsider.  Regardless of my thoughts and feelings, he seems good-natured and worthy of my love and support.  Ultimately I have a Heavenly Father who lovingly watches over me as I walk this pilgrimage of life.  Happy Father's Day!


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