The Worth of a Man

What is a man worth?  What attributes does one have to embody for the world to assign value to another?  Is it the ability to provide for one's family?  What about the ability to feed and clothe oneself, and to put a roof over one's head?  This morning I had an interview with Coca-Cola for a part-time merchandiser position.  Without knowing how the other candidates interviewed, I felt as if I nailed it.  I definitely have the experience and wisdom to far exceed the expectations of the job description.  However, considering my legal baggage, I can't help but to feel I still don't have a chance.  In other words, I'm probably dead in the water already, before ever having had the interview.  I could have had many jobs a few times over if not for the black mark on my legal background.  Usually there isn't any opportunity to discuss my skeletons in the closet with the interviewer, and, if so, it is only out of nosiness knowing full well their company policy won't allow them to hire me.  It's as if I'm the lowest class citizen, an animal, in the caste system of the world.  My producing ability has been neutered as the world proclaims I have nothing to offer that anyone wants.  In fact, I am treated as if I am not even human.  Within in the last few weeks I have begun to read my bible and to pray daily once again.  This has begun to instill within me a hope when I didn't have any.  A sense of peace has also been renewed.  Intellectually I recognize God is in control, but I desire to move that faith in the living God from theory to real life practice.  This means I yearn to move beyond giving mental assent to God, and to know in my very heart and soul He is active in and gives a damn about my life.  Will I earn the opportunity to work at Coca-Cola?  Who knows as I will find out by Tuesday of next week.  In the meantime and beyond, I strive toward a vibrant relationship with the Creator of the universe and the maker of my soul.  God is the one who assigns value.  What does He look for in a man?  First is to love God and then to love one another.  Those two acts encompass everything else God requires.  Someone may interject, "Yeah, but that doesn't pay the bills or put food on the table."  That is correct, but even some of the heroes of the faith (Hebrews 11) did not receive in this life what was promised from on high.  What is a man worth?  I am a child of God, and my prayers are a fragrant aroma to Him.  This world is simply a realm I am passing through on my way to my real home in heaven and eternity.  It is only because of God's Son, Jesus, and becoming clothed in His righteousness that I am worth anything.


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