Job Interview

This afternoon I had the first of two employment interviews with DSW, a shoe retailer.  Considering my legal background and difficulties, I was excited simply to get a call on any of the applications and resumes I sent out.  For every thirty or more applications, I might receive one response concerning an interview.  Pathetic, huh?  This is my lot in life, which is why I get so excited with someone wants to set up an interview.  Next October, the smoke shop is closing its doors after twenty years in business.  This is why I have been looking for employment for the previous year and a half.  Yes, I've been looking for about that long, if not longer.  With the mistakes I've made in life, not very many people are willing to get to know me long enough to deem me worthy of a second chance.  Of course I will follow-up with another entry concerning the results of the current proceedings.  May God bless this time of audition so I may earn a chance with this particular company.  People may think of me as an animal considering my social stigma, but don't I deserve the opportunity to feed, clothe, and shelter myself?  It is only because of Jesus I have anything in this life.  Until next time, keep your mind on things above and not on what the world deems important.


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