Another Year Older

Yep, today is my birthday as I celebrate turning another year older.  So far my 40's have been wiser and more stable than at any other time in my life.  Does this mean I'm happy where I'm at?  Not necessarily, but I do have joy knowing I am better at responding to life instead of reacting harshly, kicking against the goads, at what life throws my way.  I have yet to completely master this art of responding, but I am far better than in previous years gone by.  In other words, growing older has mellowed and softened the rough edges and the storm raging in my soul.  This doesn't mean these former nasty habits don't rear their ugly heads from time to time, but I have better learned to pause before giving way to expressing my feelings.  What I am looking forward to in turning another year older is putting all the negative memories and feelings behind me to start anew.  Forty-two years of age will be a better year, along with celebrating the new year of 2016 in a few days.  Getting older isn't as bad as some people make it out to be.  I am simply older, wiser, and more experienced.  Onward...!


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