Time With My Sister

Yesterday morning I was blessed to meet with my sister for breakfast.  Currently she lives in Hawaii with a great job and visits Texas about this time every year.  Usually on her trip she spends several weeks travelling the state visiting friends and family.  I am always so thankful she carves out a few hours for her younger brother.  We met at the Einstein Bros. Bagels near the Texas Christian University campus.  Both of us really enjoy this national restaurant chain, so to meet there for breakfast was an added joy.  We took turns sharing about what is happening in our lives, our joys and struggles.  As always we also talked about family.  Except for a few very distant cousins, my brother and sister, and I are all that is left remaining of my dad's side of the family.  She asked where I was in my progress on the family genealogy.  Lately I've been procrastinating in working on any particular project.  But this doesn't mean I'm completely without results to show for all the family memorabilia I have.  (More on this later.)  We also made plans to make a visit to the family cemetery in Yorktown in order to have a work day on the plots.  This was exciting!  She and I finally had to call an end to our time of fellowship as we had other errands and chores to take care of.  Maybe we won't have to wait another year to see and fellowship with one another again.  Until such time, I will relish in the time we did spend together.


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