First Day of Winter

Today is the first official day of winter!  Sometimes I wonder how these things are decided.  For example, Fort Worth has already been having colder weather than normal for the fall season.  This means Mother Nature has already moved in to winter without waiting for the meteorologist to declare, "Okay, the first official day of winter is on the 21st.  At that point, we'll begin having cold weather."  To me, this laughable.  Of course I'm making a mockery of it as I realize forecasting the weather, or anything else for that matter, is not an exact science.  The affairs of this world are in God's hands and are preordained by Him.  Enough of my ideological rambling.  Fall and Spring are my two favorite times of year.  Truthfully, every season except summer is my favorite time of year.  The running truism about Texas is it only has two seasons: Hot and a brief period around winter when it isn't quite so hot.  Ha ha!  Anyway, enjoy the first official day of winter.  Celebrate by enjoying your favorite hobby or past-time.  For those of you who know me, I'll probably light up a cigar in celebration.  Enjoy!


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