Gratitude for Apartment

In February I will mark six years of residence in Fort Worth.  For the first five years I lived in houses with no air conditioning or heating, which made for a tough existence in extreme temperatures.  Currently I live in an apartment not very far from where I first lived upon moving to this city.  Thankfully I am now blessed with a/c and heat.  This new home acts as a place of solitude and security from the outside world.  In February I will mark a one year anniversary of living here.  Overall I have a lot to become grateful for: great place to live, friends, and a somewhat stable place to work.  Fort Worth is not too bad of a place to live.  All I ask is the ability and opportunity to travel more often, which is what makes any place more bearable to live.  Too often I concentrate on the things of this world I don't have, instead of the many blessings I'm surrounded by.  Material possessions or the latest gadget or craze does not determine my worth, happiness, or joy.  It is abiding in a relationship with God and Jesus Christ that provides wholeness.  May I strive daily toward a more enriching relationship with my Heavenly Father.


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