Christmas Card Day

Most every year I make it a point to send out Christmas cards to friends and family.  This year is no exception; however, the list of people I send to will be dramatically shortened.  Quite frankly, the cost of postage is what has finally driven me to do this.  So allow me to clear the air right now.  If you don't get one this year, it isn't personal.  Our friendship has already made it past the test of time, so calm down.  Everything will be okay.  Ha ha!  Holidays such as this one are fun.  Over the course of the previous few days I have been working at sending out Christmas cards.  I only have a few more to send, so today is the day to complete the task.  To be honest, I wasn't planning on sending out any cards this year, but a long-time friend told me recently she looks so forward to my Christmas card every year.  Well, how could I disappoint?  Today may be the day for me to rekindle a friendship or family relationship that has lapsed.  Why should I only make contact once a year?  This may be a stepping stone for continuous conversation throughout the year.  Friendships are built on constant communication and possibly seeing one another periodically.  Hmm, food for thought.  I challenge my readership to send out a Christmas card, a letter, or to pick up the phone for a Christmas call.  Whatever you can do to invest peace and love with another person.  Happy Christmas Card Day!


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