E.T. Phone Home

Over a week ago both phone chargers bit the dust, leaving me with little battery life till the new charger was ordered and delivered.  Of course, with my luck, ordering a new one wasn't that easy.  Somehow or other the package was delivered to some place in Arkansas.  WTF?  How did my address in Fort Worth magically turn in to one in Arkansas somewhere?  Anyway, I had to purchase another charger through Amazon instead of EBay, which only exasperated the situation.  Well, the battery on the phone finally gave up the ghost, totally leaving me dead in the water.  I had already been rationing the usage of the phone in order to milk whatever juice it had left.  Considering the two recent deaths in the family, all this couldn't have come at a worse time.  However, all this taught me a valuable lesson regarding how dependent I am on technology for communicating with the outside world.  This evening the issue finally resolved itself when the charger I ordered finally found its way in to my mailbox.  Ugh!  ...and to think how wrapped up I was getting in my frustration over a damn charger and a dead phone.  Amazing!  This certainly showed my impatient side, especially over perceived incompetence of other people.  Am I really that intolerant of other people's mistakes?  I'm a little embarrassed to report my shortcomings, but this recent debacle reminded me of my humanity.  Just like everyone else around me, I am not perfect and do not fully live the fruit of the Holy Spirit like I should.  God, forgive me, for I am mere dust and clay in your hands.  Continue to teach me your love, grace, and mercy to those around me who are prone to the same sinful nature I am.  I am not perfect, but because of your Son Jesus, I will one day become perfect in eternity.


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