In Memory of Don Waudby!

Just found out a few minutes ago a very dear friend passed away back in July.  Guess I wasn't a very good friend in only having found out.  I am very sad nonetheless.  He and I disagreed on a few points in life, but he was a constant support and a good sounding board to discuss whatever came my way.  I initially met Don at Tobacco Lane on the Square, a cigar shop, in downtown Fort Worth.  Over the years, we would meet at other cigar shops in order to visit while I worked or on a day off so we could smoke a cigar together.  Don was always very positive and seemed to take life in stride whether it was good or bad.  We would constantly joke about the oddest stuff, which is what attracted me to him in friendship.  People like him are a great example of how we can be friends without having to agree on everything.  We found our commonality over a great cigar and a good time of fellowship.  He knew the good, bad, and ugly about me and still never judged.  Wow, what a friend to have!  Here's to my friend, Don Waudy, a great guy who deserves to rest in peace.  I will miss you, my friend.


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