Veteran's Day

Originally called Armistice Day, the holiday changed names to Veteran's Day under the administration of President Dwight Eisenhower.  Not only today, once a year, but everyday I need to honor the men and women who sacrifice their time and lives for the great United States of America.  My family carries many men and women who enlisted in the military.  First is my father who was drafted and served during the Korean War.  At one point I discovered many pictures of the Korean battlefield and letters he had written his parents from the peninsula.  Another is my maternal grandfather who served in the Pacific theater during World War II.  One way of honoring these men and women is to purchase poppies, the international symbol of Veteran's (Armistice) Day.  I choose to honor these by never forgetting their service and to emulate their strong character and integrity.  Enjoy the holiday by loving on and appreciating a veteran.


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