Return to Exile

The five day vacation in the Yoakum/Victoria area has come to an end.  The time away has been very restful, refreshing, and restorative to my mind and soul.  Now the time has come to return to the land of exile in Fort Worth.  The Thanksgiving holiday has also been bittersweet as I learned of the passing of Mom's uncle.  Each one us has processed the news differently.  I remembered the good times of the family in which he played a part.  Now he stands before God Almighty in Heaven, the place of eternal rest.  Time is short as I strongly desire to make the most of family and friends.  That seems to have been the theme of this recent trip as I was able to reconnect with people I haven't seen or talked with in many years.  In proper perspective life is good.  But if I get tunnel vision, so focused on the wrong priorities, then life can become a living hell on earth.  The Bible states my life is but a mist, a passing vapor.  This is very true, especially in light of how long spiritual eternity is beyond this physical realm and fleshly body.  Do I have the right perspective and priorities?  Do they line up with God's will?  This life is not about me.  Am I laying up treasures in heaven for God's glory and worship?  I don't want to find myself at the end of life asking what have I done with the great responsibility given me.  Certainly I don't want to be found wanting or lacking.  What is your life all about?  Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?  Don't think about this stuff when it's too late.


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