Moby Dick - Herman Melville

On this day in history Herman Melville published his great work of art, a literary classic, Moby Dick.  Initially the book was a flop, but later it would achieve great literary acclaim.  One of the memorable, oft-quoted lines from the book is, "Call me Ishmael!"  (Sadly I hear people quote this famous line with no clue as to where it came from.)  One of my favorite books from Melville, and I haven't read very many, is Bartleby the Scrivener.  More than anything, I want to highlight today's moment in history to strongly encourage people to read.  Some of today's books may turn in to tomorrow's great works of classic literature.  A few of the books I have read recently are:  The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood and The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren.  As a favor to yours truly, the author of this blog, please head to the local library and check out a Herman Melville book.  Some of the "old English" may be tough to get accustomed to, but the end result is more than satisfying and worth it.  Have a great day, and love live Herman Melville and his books!


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