Back to Normal

Over this previous weekend through yesterday I was in such a wonderful mood.  But as with anything I am now back to normal.  What does that mean exactly?  I'm not sure, but I have now made a return to even-keel with my mood.  This isn't to say I'm in a bad or good mood, but I am now back to a happy medium or life as usual.  Toastmasters met this morning, and I delivered a speech highlighting some of my more awkward or embarrassing moments.  The speech was well received as people were able to laugh alongside me as I shared some of my more memorable moments.  Monday through today (Thursday) have been days off from work.  Tomorrow is back to the grind of trying to make a living in this thing called life.  On Tuesday I made a trip to Dallas in order to look for employment in the shoe industry.  Whether or not the trip was fruitful remains to be seen, but the trip out of Fort Worth for a few hours was a relief.  I believe everyone, including myself, needs an escape from reality from time to time.  Believe it or not, I can tolerate living in Fort Worth as long as I'm able to leave town occasionally in order to maintain my sanity or emotional and mental health.  I would still say life is good as I have spent the previous few days fellowshipping with friends, talking about nothing in general except to enjoy the social interaction of my fellow human beings.  Sometimes stuff like this, no matter how trivial or minute, is exactly what I need and is what makes the world go round.  Even my blog readers bring a smile to my face as people take the time to read what I have to say and to experience the very things I go through.  Have a great day!  I sure will as I enjoy the remainder of the evening wrapped up in a good book.


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