Goal Accomplished

With a year in the making, I have finally accomplished one of my goals.  The direct aim was to have a hitch installed on the vehicle so I could finally install the bicycle rack I received a year ago.  Some of the nuances of the project were a bit challenging to overcome, but I finally did it.  Today I mounted the bicycle on to the rack and took a test drive around town.  The next test is to take it on to the open highway at an increased cruising speed.  With that in mind, I may take it with me on the road trip to Victoria and Yoakum next week.  Should I?  Of course!  I am super-excited about the next level as I mainly wanted the apparatus so I could take the bicycle on future camping trips.  This new opportunity also allows for making day trips to state parks simply to experience nature via my mountain bicycle.  Thank you God for the blessing of this new experience and the potential opportunities which are waiting for me.


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