Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is Thanksgiving!  Most holidays, including this one, have become too commercialized.  For instance, Thanksgiving has become a mere precursor or stepping-stone to the Christmas season.  However, I would like an attempt at returning the holiday to some semblance of its roots.  No, I won't talk about Pilgrims and Indians, but having a year-long attitude of thanksgiving and gratitude.  I have so much to become grateful for, both blessings and difficult times.  It is easy to have an "I am blessed" attitude during easy times, but what about the hard times which lends themselves to times of growth and maturity.  Surprisingly it is during those times I look back upon with nostalgia.  How am I a better man because of the refiner's fire?  (Not only to myself but in regard to those around me.)  Life isn't fair and doesn't owe me a damn thing.  I must continue to forge ahead making the most out of every situation.  The pain of growth is worthwhile and somewhat short, but the pain of giving up entirely is forever.  Wallowing in the muck and mire of self-pity, or a woe is me attitude, does nothing but neuter my potential for good in this life.  Working through these times and processing them positively is healthy and warranted, but we are not designed to stagnate forever in our own pig-pen.  Keep pressing forward.  What are you thankful for?  I am thankful, first and foremost, for family and friends.  These five days in the Victoria/Yoakum area have shown me exactly how grateful I am for the people who surround me.  I am very blessed.  Next I am thankful for health and wellness in my physical body and mental and emotional state of mind.  Keep Thanksgiving for what it was intended.  Happy Thanksgiving!


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