Seven Years?!

Exactly seven years ago today, I became a resident of the City of Fort Worth.  Moving here out of a very toxic environment, I suppose the reason for the change was a fresh start of sorts.  Prior to officially coming here, I don't ever recall having set foot in Fort Worth, and I sure didn't know anyone.  In fact, once I moved in to the duplex I had rented, I couldn't tell you where I lived or where anything was beyond the front door.  Even though I needed a geographic change versus where I came from, the circumstances behind the move were less than desirable.  To be honest, I hated it here with a burning passion.  People sometimes ask if I like it here any more than previously, and I usually respond I have given up out of resignation of ever getting to leave.  To mentally and emotionally help me to accept this small town, I have to tell myself this time of residence is an exile.  This is at least until God's timing opens up the future and I learn whatever it is God has in store for my life.  Houston is my home and always will be.  After living there for over twelve years, I believe the people are friendlier and more welcoming and accepting of others.  Fort Worth is a good ol' boy town, and the native residents aren't very fond of outsiders.  People who are from here, born and raised, easily recognize those of us who aren't; therefore, I don't stand a chance.  Out of fairness to the city, life hasn't been all that bad as it has had a few shining moments.  In trying for twenty-five years to attend college, I finally had the opportunity to earn an Associate of Arts degree.  As difficult as paying for this was, I will more than likely never get to move beyond to the Bachelor degree level.  Another plus I have experienced is making a great network of connections.  Realistically, I probably only have one or two real friends here, but now I can't go any place without running in to someone I know or recognize.  What does the future look like?  At this point, I've given up on ever getting to leave.  However, in three-and-a-half years, when my legal stuff drops off, I do plan on taking off for about two months.  The plan, as it stands right now, is to travel and camp cross-country.  In summary, don't let my jaded view of the city color your expectation.  Fort Worth may be exactly what you need or are looking for in a place of residence.  Here's to seven years!!


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