National Hot Tea Day

Gourmet coffee has its own I can also celebrate hot tea.  Woohoo!  In the mornings, there isn't anything I like more than a few cups of coffee.  To balance out the day, I more than enjoy a cup of hot tea, especially if it's Earl Grey, as I'm winding down at the apartment.  To properly celebrate National Hot Tea Day, I headed to Buon Giorno on the western edge of downtown Fort Worth.  The fine staff of this establishment know how much I love hot tea, even though this isn't the only beverage I purchase at the shop.  (Sometimes I do occasionally opt for a brew of java.)  One day, the owner's wife was working the store and overheard my tea order.  Much surprised, she asked how I picked up the habit of drinking Earl Grey.  Searching for an answer, I informed her I began drinking hot tea sometime during High School.  Honestly, I'm not sure when and where I began enjoying this hot beverage.  In the end, it doesn't matter.  What counts is I am now an avid hot tea drinker.  Ordering and consuming hot tea, usually in the late afternoon or early evening, doesn't interfere with my sleep as would a cup of coffee.  Maybe it is because the caffeine content isn't as strong.  Who knows?!  Anyway, this afternoon I ordered my usual drink of choice and enjoyed it while sitting at a table on the front porch.  Of course I had my usual stogie (cigar) to accompany the celebration of National Hot Tea Day.  The origin of tea, I'm sure, dates back many hundreds of years.  Maybe one day I'll research the origin and evolution of the product.  Maybe one of the most captivating events of history involving tea is the Boston Tea Party.  Yes, tea has its own colorful history.  Well, here's to the holiday...cheers!


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