Be Humble Day

When I first saw this obscure holiday, I immediately thought of Uriah Heep in the Charles Dickens book David Copperfield.  In essence, Uriah tells David how hard it is to be humble.  Simply by saying this, the reader already knows Uriah is not humble; in fact, he is a self-serving twit who is full of himself using his superficial "humility" as an evil weapon.  On a more serious note, it is very difficult to acquire and maintain a sense of one's own size in this fallen, sinful world.  Every day, I am bombarded with messages about: how I deserve this and am worth that; life owes me a great career, two-car garage, and a nuclear family with 2.5 kids; no problems should exist in my family or obstacles bar the way of a successful career; and so on.  As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, I realize I can do nothing apart from what is ordained by God's Will.  In fact, even what little I have to contribute to my relationship with God is given to me by Him, and that is the willingness and obedience to follow His prompting.  On Be Humble Day, recognize life's blessings as what they are, the direct hand of God intervening in my life.  I can do nothing on my own, except to take the loving hand of the Almighty and to follow.


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