National Night Out!

As I was heading to work this morning, the radio station was advertising this evening's National Night Out.  I've heard about this event in years past, but I never really knew what it was about.  Was it a time to get together for a block party?  Is there a designed purpose beyond getting to know your neighbor?  Who should I consider as my neighbor?  I thought these were valid questions.  First, I performed a Google search on National Night Out.  The definition I thought best is as follows:  National Night Out is designed to...heighten awareness of crime prevention; generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime efforts; strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; [and to] send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back against crime.  Second, the biblical parable of The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) provides an excellent definition of who exactly is my neighbor.  National Night Out has two noble purposes woven in to the fabric of its design.  This evening, I plan on bicycling through the immediate neighborhood to possibly knock on a few doors in order to see who lives in the very houses I drive by on a daily basis.  In doing so, the neighborhood can watch for the interest of the other.  This means an opportunity is upon us to not act so selfishly in regard to our fellow-man.  Of course I strongly encourage each reader to participate in National Night Out.  Please post feedback in the response section of this blog entry.  Have fun by meeting someone new.


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