Cabela's -- World's Foremost Outfitter

About a week or so ago, I learned Bass Pro Shop purchased their rival, Cabela's, for several billion dollars.  This broke my heart as I have never been fond of Bass Pro Shop.  Granted, this sadness was without basis as I honestly didn't know much about Bass Pro Shop.  More than anything, my despair was out of loyalty and love for Cabela's.  Before the changeover took place, I headed to the local Cabela's in north Tarrant County.  Immediately upon entering, I chatted with an employee concerning the buyout.  Much of my displeasure was assuaged by his explaining what would actually happen to the outdoor retail giant.  It is my understanding that Bass Pro Shop will maintain Cabela's as its own separate entity, while still operating within the auspices of the new parent company.  This I can deal with.  What I couldn't deal with was the busting of a brand for which there is a huge cult following.  In my zeal for camping and the outdoors, I try to purchase as much equipment from Cabela's as possible.  Overall, I spent about two hours wandering the retail giant taking pictures and trying out different wares.  I topped off the adventure by eating a buffalo burger in their restaurant.  Oh goodness how I love this place.  Good luck to the many employees who work there and the vast amount of customers who shop at Cabela's.  There is a new horizon out there to meet us.


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