Learn a Word Day / National Dictionary Day

Today I am proud to announce two very noteworthy holidays: Learn a Word Day and National Dictionary Day.  They are almost synonymous as it is difficult to have one without the other, or at least for us old-fashioned people.  Whether or not you are like me in using the antiquated form, or are part of the internet-savvy younger generation, we all must use a dictionary in some form or fashion.  One key element I believe is missing from this day, and that is the importance of reading.  To learn a new word devoid of its contextual use in literature or conversation, is simply to waste space in your intellect.  Literacy is simply not knowing a fact or random tid-bit of information, but to have a working knowledge of the concept as it plays out in daily living.  As a result, I lay down the challenge to not only learn a new word and its proper definition through a dictionary, but to also use the acquired vocabulary as many times as you can throughout the day.  To even further challenge you, I take you to task in learning a new word every day for the remainder of the year.  Can you do it?  Let's see.  Daily I add to my vocabulary as I highlight and look up words while I read.  Is the hassle of doing so worth it?  You bet!  Honor the holidays by becoming familiar with a dictionary and by learning a new word.  Have fun!


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