When to Let Go

Today I had to cut loose of a friendship of 19 years.  It was a very difficult decision to make, but I felt it had to be done.  Reminiscing of the friendship all these years, I could see the night-and-day difference of and change in my friend.  Initially this man was a very spiritual, God-fearing person whom I could confide in and trust his judgement and advice.  Now he has become so wrapped up in his alternative lifestyle I can not separate the man from the behavior.  A Biblical principle I try to live by is loving the person while not condoning or promoting the aberrant behavior.  However, the friendship as it now stands, I can not separate the two.  This friend has become so lost in the self-destructive behavior, my heart is breaking for what he is doing to himself.  In my farewell letter to him, I stated his lifestyle was literally killing him physically and spiritually.  (He is currently incarcerated in a Texas institutional facility.)  His family completely disowned him years ago.  A promise I made to his mother when she passed away was I would always remain her son's friend.  Now I must even let that go.  About seven years ago I had a friend of 18 years "let me go."  Now I understand his principle and why he did it.  (The circumstances were a little bit different, but the same Biblical principle applies.  Now I am a much different person from the man he knew then, but the damage has been done.)  My hope and prayer is for God to intervene and radically change this man's life.  I genuinely hope my friend truly changes and makes a return to the vibrant relationship with God he once had.  Until then, I must give him over to the lifestyle of his choosing.  God, I pray for my friend.  Please save him...


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