Happy October 1st

Today is the start of a brand new month.  This whole year is flying by so quickly.  How have I begun this first day of the month?  Quite poorly as I find my attitude out of whack as I wallow in self-pity and thoughts I deserve better than the present lot in life I find myself in.  Attitude is key, but how do I remain optimistic as I continually see my best efforts come to naught?  One of the many poor behaviors I find in myself is that of a sense of superiority and an attitude I deserve better than what I'm getting.  Of course I reap what I sow, but I often grow tired of sowing good only to find my wheels spinning in a rut getting no where fast.  Am I suffering from shortsightedness?  Possibly.  I realize I must focus on the long-term objective, but sometimes I would like a few short-term payoffs in order to know I am on the right track.  In other words, I would like for life to throw me a bone every once in a while.  Probably not going to happen.  School is a thorn in my side.  Regardless of my personal thoughts toward the university I am presently attending, it is a reputable school with the right credentials.  First thing I need to do is get beyond myself and move on.  As soon as I get out of the way, maybe life will open up for me.  Who knows?  Again, a positive attitude is key.  Once more the struggle continues.  For those of you who have had a great first day of the months...congratulations!  For others, like myself, I must take up my daily responsibility and do what is right and honorable.  Happy October 1st!


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