Happy Halloween!

Today is October 31st, and of course this means it is Halloween!  In preparing for this post, I read up on the history of the holiday.  I wanted to incorporate some of the history in to this writing, but there was simply too much to read and review.  For your further research and curiosity, I listed the link at the bottom for you to click and read.  Growing up I enjoyed walking through the neighborhood collecting candy upon the simple phrase, "Trick-or-Treat!"  When my brother was born, I was able to enjoy this activity, re-living my childhood, all over again.  Now as a grown adult, this passing holiday is usually a blip on the radar as I try to avoid crowds and the hysteria of the event.  With most holidays, Halloween has become too commercialized as a yearly money-maker.  Granted there are spiritual undertones behind Halloween, but I believe the true message of the holiday is good, old-fashioned fun.  When else may I dress up, acting like a little kid, to enjoy sweets and fellowship?  Sometimes life can be taken too seriously.  So let us view Halloween as a time to "let our hair down" to enjoy life for what it is.  Our time on earth is all too fleeting.  From cradle to grave time passes us by at breakneck speed.  Enjoy it while we are able.  Happy Halloween!



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