National Separation of Church and State Day

Finding these obscure holidays has been quite fun until I found this one.  My belief is the myth of separation of church and state is completely based on ignorance.  When I hear people say emphatically there is a separation of church and state, I ask where they received their information from.  Usually the answer is the information was handed down to them by someone else.  No research was performed as this myth was taken as "fact" without question.  To take anything as "fact" without researching the issue is to make intellectual suicide.  Certainly people are free to believe anything they want, including a belief there is no God and that He has no place in the public square.  How sad!  There will come a time and place a person will stand before the living God, and by then it will be too late to realize one's mistake.  No where in the constitution does this foundational document espouse religion can not be practiced or expressed in government.  A very small minority of the populace desire freedom from religion for themselves in lieu of freedom of religion for the vast majority.  Plenty of books (research) has been written about the subject and won't be detailed in this blog post.  In addition, the history of judicial precedent is very clear this country was formed and established as a religious nation.  Please ask me for a list of books on the subject, and I will be glad to send such a list.  True knowledge and curiosity about the subject demands further research.  Certainly I understand freedom of religion in the public square can be taken to extremes, but that is a different topic of discussion altogether.  For now, I implore my reader to read more on the subject before making an abject judgement and decision concerning the myth of separation of church and state.


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