Hindsight is 20/20 Vision

Sometimes I wish life could be lived in reverse.  What an idea!  Born old and gradually growing young.  Wouldn't that be nice?  Well, maybe.  History does repeat itself to some degree, but usually not in the exact same way every time.  If I could take all my life experiences and re-live my youth, life would turn out so much differently.  I would sidestep all the misery and consequences of the poor choices made early on in life.  But then would I be the same person I am today?  Of course not, but isn't that the point of wanting to hit the reset button?  Certainly a do-over is warranted on many occasions, but life doesn't afford me that luxury.  In addition, some bad decisions are harder to correct than others.  Then there are societal pressures which make second chances hard to come by.  Yes, people can be very unforgiving and harsh much of the time.  This doesn't lend itself to opening up to make community and relationships happen for fear of rejection and misunderstanding.  Thankfully there are people, a minority for sure, who do offer forgiveness and second chances.  Those times are rare, but a gold mine once found and truly experienced.  On the cusp of dropping out of school, I had to learn some very hard lessons.  In the midst of those difficult times, the lessons learned are truly the gold in life.  Not only do I chalk it up for experience, but I usually find myself emotionally relieved.  When this happens, I sleep better, have a more optimistic outlook for life, and can accept life on life's terms.  Life can and will be brutal from time to time, but the important part is coming out the other side a stronger individual and using the lessons learned to invest in those who come behind me.  A few lessons in life are best learned first-hand, but if I can spare someone the grief I experienced on non-essential issues, then I must mentor those who truly seek advice.  Live life to the fullest and make the most of the mistakes in life.  By doing so, I can revel in the great times of success and victory.  Don't be afraid to live.  Go out and get it!


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