Redeemed Heart Recovery

I have sat through many different groups and meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous.  While this was a huge help in many aspects of life over the years, the program ceased to work for me.  Toward the end, I mainly used the meetings as a social outing.  What I now need to concentrate on are the other issues which may cause me to drink now or in the future.  These issues are the true root cause of why I formerly drank and even now continue to plague my emotional sobriety.  Some of the issues may take on the form of: ego, superiority complex, sense of entitlement, the blame game, thinking life isn't fair, a poor view of dating and women, and so much more.  A few months ago I discovered a Christ-centered twelve-step recovery group at my church.  The name of the group is Redeemed Heart Recovery, and their program deals with a variety of issues and character defects from a biblical perspective.  I have really enjoyed the fellowship as I grow to know some of the men in the group.  Many of the men come from an A.A. background, which is refreshing as I find a common bond.  I am glad this group was made available to me as I deal with more than simply drinking.  By working on these other issues, I can guard against numbing the hurts and pains of life through alcohol.  Healing is in process.  Growth is inevitable.


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