Work Harder Day

There you have it folks, a call to work harder.  The meaning of the obscure holiday should be obvious, but allow me a few minutes to reveal what I believe is the deeper meaning.  On any given day, I usually take on several different project at various big box retailers throughout the Metroplex.  Each job provides a unique opportunity to take pride in the level of professionalism exuded and in the detail I perform.  Of course there is more to the task than meets the eye.  A person can worker harder and still get it all wrong.  In addition, working harder is great, but I sincerely hope the overall process also involves working smarter.  Yes, that's right...please don't check your brain at the door.  A person must first understand what the project calls for and what is involved.  (That means reading the instructions to understand what is expected.)  Personally, I do not believe in perfection.  That quality only exists in God Himself.  However, each one of us can reach for and attain excellence.  Working harder also entails having a high sense of ethical integrity that rules out shortcuts.  Working harder toward excellence can become a personal passion, especially if the job at-hand is a task encompassing something we are gifted and naturally skilled at performing.  Even if it isn't, I must keep in mind of Whom I work for, and that is God the Father.  In whatever I do, whether it is to simply eat or drink, my daily activities are for His glory.  Yes, today is Work Harder Day.  Don't simply start pounding away with brute strength at the tasks at hand.  Know what is expected.  Work smarter.  Strive toward excellence.  Most of all, work harder for the Glory of God.


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