Blame Someone Else Day

This holiday is very appropriate in today's environment, and could also fall under the name Shirk Responsibility Day.  To maintain any level of ethical integrity and moral character is like swimming upstream, especially in a society whose motto is, "I'm the victim!"  Never mind a person's decisions and actions warranted the consequences which resulted.  But I must admit, oh how easy it is to blame someone or something else and escape ownership of my actions.  I can hear it now, "I married too young!" "My family was poor and didn't allow for opportunities of higher education." "I had to work two jobs just to pay rent and eat."  Once getting to know a person and their background, these reasons may become valid; however, they still don't define who a person is.  Yes, it is easy to blame someone else and fall in to the trap of self-pity, living the rest of life in hopeless resignation.  I know all too well because I do it.  In fact, I've probably mastered the art of deflection and playing the victim.  If nothing else, it may help me sleep better at night for my lack of control of what happens.  Taking responsibility for oneself doesn't mean life will change for the better, but doing so does give health and moral soundness to the heart and soul.  Who or what are you blaming today?  Is it over a resentment or grudge from many years ago.  Don't look only at the other person's part in the situation, but also take an honest look at what you may have done as well.  The other person may still be at fault in harming you, or the circumstances of life may remain negative, but view the situation minus the film of self-pity and anger.  Your overall mindset and life outlook will become positive as a result, and you can honestly move forward in life in growth and wholeness.


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