Time of Thankfulness

Whenever I get in to the mode of self-pity and depression, I make a very earnest attempt to reform my state of being by bringing on an attitude of gratitude.  The official holiday of Thanksgiving only comes around once a year, but I should remain thankful each and every day and sometimes at multiple times throughout the day.  Immediately I recognize life could become far worse.  This isn't the result from the sin of comparison, as I look down on others, their lot in life, and recognizing I could not even have the basic staples of housing, clothing, and etc.  Rather, I simply look to God through his Son Jesus, who are the providers of every thing I need, and quite a few items which aren't true necessities.  My next breath and heart beat are given to me by Creator God.  Anything and everything beyond those two is an additional blessing.  God doesn't owe me one iota in this world apart from what He provides as a result of a relationship with His Son.  The work of my hand and sweat of my brow do not earn me anything.  It is God who provides.  Am I grateful and give credit where it is due?  This isn't for a few simple areas of my life, but in all things.  Every morning as one wakes up, give praise and thanks to God for giving you life and everything as you go about your day.  Happy Thanksgiving!


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