Election Day

The big day has arrived.  Today, the American populace of legal voting age and registration can make their voice heard in the electorate.  Your vote does count, in spite of what many a naysayer would have you believe.  The Electoral College is calculated on citizens of this country voting at the polling places.  Yes, there have been instances a candidate won the popular vote but did not win enough electoral votes to win the presidency; however, this doesn't happen very often.  Your vote does matter, so please get out to vote.  One can easily find his or her polling place by calling the local city or county government, or by simply looking up the information via Google on the internet.  This election is crucial and will determine the continued or changed direction in this country for the next four years and beyond.  Pray concerning God's Will, and act according to the prompting of His Holy Spirit.  The election and this country is in God's Hands.  Whatever the outcome, rest assured God is in control and is constantly directing the affairs of men.  Vote!


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