More Than A Feeling Of Wierdness

Alright, I finally experienced my sense of void.  Yesterday, after getting off work with my day job at TNG, I usually need to report directly to my part-time job with the cigar shop.  Not this time!  Throughout the day I kept having to remind myself there wasn't any rush to get the job done.  To make up for the odd sense about me, I took on additional work.  Instead of the two Kroger's stores I normally service on Thursday, I added a third store to my work load.  This will alleviate the stress of the work load for Friday, as well as to allow for additional work that afternoon.  Of course I'll eventually adjust to not having the additional job in the evening.  Sometimes working two jobs was a pain in the butt; however, I must say the extra money was nice.  Now I will be able to focus on quality store visits with TNG, without the underlying thought of hurry in order to "get somewhere" that evening.  Not having to work this weekend will seem strange as well.  Evenings and weekends off?  You bet!  I may head out to Dallas to tour the Holocaust Museum.  Who knows what else I may end up experiencing.  The other cigar shop, Paladin Cigars, has hired me part-time.  The owner/operator made it very clear I can work as little or as much as I desire.  My first day of "training" is next Tuesday.  Initially, I'll begin working every other Sunday, and pick up shifts here and there as the opportunity presents itself.  Until then, I will enjoy the life of a man with a lot of new-found free time.  As for this sense of void?  It's a passing thing.


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