Week in Review

Whew, this has been a tough week with getting acclimated to the new job.  Learning such a varied position within a company is a lot to absorb and learn, plus establishing a new routine to accommodate the new employment.  First is the job schedule itself, and then I had to move around a few weekly appointments such as the work schedule at the smoke shop.  Stress made itself very readily available as is natural.  I can get so frustrated and flustered when new experiences come my way.  As I get older, I'm not as prone to remain flexible when the unexpected comes my way.  There are a few issues I still need to resolve, such as getting a new phone capable of work apps and overall internet access.  Thankfully God has given me a staunch ally in my mother to support me and to provide a fresh perspective as I get so focused on the problem and not the solution.  She always provides the encouragement to step back, take a deep breath, and look at the dilemma from a different angle.  One of my character defects is the feeling of helplessness.  I sometimes think people should be lined up to help me, when I should be the one who is pro-active in dealing with what life throws my way.  That is what living as an adult should look like.  The new job is a huge blessing from God!  In fact, He has provided me with favor among those who are my direct superiors.  This is so much so the supervisor was going to cut me loose of any further training three weeks early.  (I've already been servicing stores independently on a somewhat limited level.)  Of course I was flattered, but I asked for at least one more week of training to aid in my comfort with and self-confidence in the job.  Wow, what a week!  Once I get a month or two of work experience with the company under my belt, I am slated to become one of two trainers for the area.  Again, I am blessed and highly favored.  This is all the result of God working on my behalf as I work for His glory.  During the few months before finding the new employment, I was frustrated about the perceived silence of God.  Now I recognize He was at work behind the scenes.  I wasn't privileged to see the big pictures, and probably wouldn't have understood God's master plan.  Now I do.  Thank you God for your blessings and favor.  It is all for your glory.


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