January 2016

The very first month of 2016 was good.  Most of the time I rate a month, or anything for that matter, by simply weighing the positives against the negatives to see which one prevails.  Usually this works as I try not complicate life by reading too much in to a situation.  In other words, my motto is to keep it simple.  However, I must say this month was a draw in the ratio of positives versus negatives.  So what made this month a good one?  The answer is seeing hurdles come my way and having the mindset to deal with them instead of throwing my hands up in resignation.  There were several key issues to come across my path which would normally cause me to take the path of least resistance in how I dealt with the perceived "crises".  First was acquiring and learning the technology aspect of the new job I gained.  Next was in dealing with an unexpected financial disbursement from the University of Texas in Arlington, when I'm not even a student.  Learning the technology will be an ongoing process, but thankfully the financial issue from the school was dealt with; however, the process took a week of dealing with people who had no clue what they were talking about.  Finally I was able to stop dealing with the lower level drones and speak to someone with some authority and authorization to take corrective action.  Another key factor in making January a great month was having an attitude of gratitude.  Daily, and sometimes moment by moment, I find myself thanking God for the apartment I live in and the new employment He has blessed me with.  Thanking God often for His blessings guards against greed and covetousness, this is as I find peace and security in contentment of God's provision for me.  This is one of the few times I can honestly say I'm in a good spot in life.  (No, this doesn't mean I like Fort Worth any better, but I can become okay with the present moment.)  Thank you God for your watchful eye and provision.  The very first month of 2016 was a good one.


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