Hell Freezing Over Day

"I'll do that..." or "That will happen when Hell freezes over!"  Have you ever heard someone say it, or have been guilty of that statement yourself?  Well, guess what?  Today is the day when you must fulfill your end of the bargain, because, yep, you guessed it, today is National Hell Freezing Over Day.  I couldn't believe it when I read it, but this is a legitimate holiday, however much you may or may not find it on a credible calendar.  The aforementioned comment may be a lot of fun to say or spoken in jest, but Hell is a very real place.  Both the spiritual world and the physical world are not separate entities.  They are connected in very real ways as the spiritual world encompasses the physical realm, and influences what happens on earth to a great degree.  Whether or not you believe a God exists, I promise you He does.  Of course I pray and hope a person doesn't wait till death to realize there is a God and a place called Hell.  By that time it will be too late...your eternal fate will be sealed.  Please don't misunderstand, this isn't a scare tactic.  I simply desire for people to realize the gravity of what is at stake.  My prayer is for God to reveal Himself to you, and you realize your need for a relationship with Him.


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